
Matron of Honor
Amanda Roney
Shellee and Amanda met in the ol' neighborhood way back in 1985! They've been great friends ever since. From exploring in the woods and playing nintendo, to growing up, and starting families of their own, they've shared life's ups and downs together. And they plan to keep enjoying life together until they are both in rocking chairs.

Jessica Benningfield
Kim Burbrink
Elizabeth Burks
Emily Burks
Katie Burks
Kim Burks

Flower Girls
Rachel Buono
Chloe Finamore
Tessa Finamore

Special thanks to the flower girl mommies: Jen Buono and Courtney Finamore


Best Man
Jason Jones
Jason is Brandon's brother. When Jason wasn't kicking Brandon's butt playing WWF and dodgeball in the house, he was giving him other great ideas.

Drew Osborn
Joe Seidt
David Buono
Ted Nathanson
Brian Phillips
Erin Zellers

Ring Bearer
Ryan Buono